Source code for nxviz.geometry

Utility geometry functions that can help with drawing to screen.
import numpy as np

from .polcart import to_cartesian

[docs]def node_theta(nodelist, node): """ Maps node to Angle. :param nodelist: Nodelist from the graph. :type nodelist: list. :param node: The node of interest. Must be in the nodelist. :returns: theta -- the angle of the node in radians. """ assert len(nodelist) > 0, "nodelist must be a list of items." assert node in nodelist, "node must be inside nodelist." i = nodelist.index(node) theta = -np.pi + i * 2 * np.pi / len(nodelist) return theta
[docs]def group_theta(node_length, node_idx): """ Returns an angle corresponding to a node of interest. Intended to be used for placing node group labels at the correct spot. :param float node_length: total number of nodes in the graph. :param int node_idx: the index of the node of interest. :returns: theta -- the angle of the node of interest in radians. """ theta = -np.pi + node_idx * 2 * np.pi / node_length return theta
[docs]def text_alignment(x, y): """ Align text labels based on the x- and y-axis coordinate values. This function is used for computing the appropriate alignment of the text label. For example, if the text is on the "right" side of the plot, we want it to be left-aligned. If the text is on the "top" side of the plot, we want it to be bottom-aligned. :param x, y: (`int` or `float`) x- and y-axis coordinate respectively. :returns: A 2-tuple of strings, the horizontal and vertical alignments respectively. """ if x == 0: ha = "center" elif x > 0: ha = "left" else: ha = "right" if y == 0: va = "center" elif y > 0: va = "bottom" else: va = "top" return ha, va
[docs]def get_cartesian(r, theta): """ Returns the cartesian (x,y) coordinates of (r, theta). :param r: Real-valued radius. :type r: int, float. :param theta: Angle :type theta: int, float. :returns: to_cartesian(r, theta) """ return to_cartesian(r, theta)
[docs]def correct_negative_angle(angle): """ Corrects a negative angle to a positive one. :param angle: The angle in radians. :type angle: float :returns: `angle`, corrected to be positively-valued. """ if angle < 0: angle = 2 * np.pi + angle else: pass return angle
[docs]def circos_radius(n_nodes, node_r): """ Automatically computes the origin-to-node centre radius of the Circos plot using the triangle equality sine rule. a / sin(A) = b / sin(B) = c / sin(C) :param n_nodes: the number of nodes in the plot. :type n_nodes: int :param node_r: the radius of each node. :type node_r: float :returns: Origin-to-node centre radius. """ A = 2 * np.pi / n_nodes # noqa B = (np.pi - A) / 2 # noqa a = 2 * node_r return a * np.sin(B) / np.sin(A)