Source code for nxviz.plots

import logging
from warnings import warn

# import altair as alt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from import get_cmap
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from matplotlib.path import Path
from more_itertools import unique_everseen
from matplotlib.colors import to_hex

from .geometry import (
from .polcart import to_degrees
from .utils import (

def despine(ax):
    for spine in ax.spines:
    plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
    plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)

[docs]class BasePlot(object): """ BasePlot: An extensible class for designing new network visualizations. The BasePlot constructor takes in a NetworkX graph object, and a series of keyword arguments specifying how nodes and edges should be styled and ordered. An optional `data_types` dictionary can be passed in to bypass data type inference. :param graph: A NetworkX graph object. :type graph: `nx.Graph`, `nx.DiGraph`, `nx.MultiGraph`, `nx.MultiDiGraph` :param node_order: The node attribute on which to specify the coloring of nodes. :type node_order: `dict_key` (often `str`) :param node_size: The node attribute on which to specify the size of nodes. :type node_size: `dict_key` (often `str`) :param node_grouping: The node attribute on which to specify the grouping position of nodes. :type node_grouping: `dict_key` (often `str`) :param group_order: The order in which the groups should be plotted. :type group_order: `dict_key` ('alphabetically', 'default') :param group_label_position: The position of the group label. :type group_label_position: `dict_key` ('beginning', 'middle', 'end') :param group_label_position: Boolean, whether the group labels should be the same color as the nodes. :type group_label_position: `bool` :param node_color: The node attribute on which to specify the colour of nodes. :type node_color: `dict_key` (often `str`) :param node_labels: Boolean, whether to use node objects as labels or not. :type node_labels: `bool` :param edge_width: The edge attribute on which to specify the width of edges. :type edge_with: `dict_key` (often `str`) :param edge_color: The edge attribute on which to specify the colour of edges. :type edge_color: `dict_key` (often `str`) :param data_types: A mapping of node and edge data types that are stored. :type data_types: `dict` :param nodeprops: A `matplotlib`-compatible `props` dictionary. :type nodeprops: `dict` :param edgeprops: A `matplotlib-compatible `props` dictioanry. :type edgeprops: `dict` :param fontsize: A text property for editing size of labels in graph :type fontsize: int :param fontfamily: A text property to define font family. Valid inputs ('serif', 'sans-serif', 'fantasy', 'monospace'). :type fontfamily: string """ # noqa def __init__( self, graph, node_order=None, node_size=None, node_grouping=None, group_order="alphabetically", node_color=None, node_labels=None, edge_width=None, edge_color=None, data_types=None, nodeprops=None, edgeprops=None, node_label_color=False, group_label_position=None, group_label_color=False, fontsize=10, fontfamily="serif", legend_handles=None, **kwargs, ): super(BasePlot, self).__init__() # Set graph object self.graph = graph self.nodes = list(graph.nodes()) # keep track of nodes separately. self.edges = list(graph.edges()) # Set node arrangement self.node_order = node_order self.node_grouping = node_grouping self.group_order = group_order self.group_and_sort_nodes() # Set node radius self.node_size = node_size if self.node_size: self.node_sizes = [] self.compute_node_sizes() else: self.node_sizes = [1] * len(self.nodes) # Set node colors self.node_color = node_color = None # sm -> for scalarmappable. See # noqa logging.debug("INIT: {0}".format( if self.node_color: self.node_colors = [] self.compute_node_colors() else: self.node_colors = ["blue"] * len(self.nodes) self.node_labels = node_labels # Set edge properties self.edge_width = edge_width if self.edge_width: self.edge_widths = [] self.compute_edge_widths() else: self.edge_widths = [1] * len(self.edges) self.edge_color = edge_color if self.edge_color: self.edge_colors = [] self.compute_edge_colors() else: self.edge_colors = ["black"] * len(self.edges) # Set data_types dictionary if not data_types: self.data_types = dict() else: self.check_data_types(data_types) self.data_types = data_types figsize = (6, 6) if "figsize" in kwargs.keys(): figsize = kwargs["figsize"] self.figure = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) = self.figure.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) despine( # We provide the following attributes that can be set by the end-user. # nodeprops are matplotlib patches properties. if nodeprops: self.nodeprops = nodeprops else: self.nodeprops = {"radius": 1} # edgeprops are matplotlib line properties. These can be set after # instantiation but before calling the draw() function. if edgeprops: self.edgeprops = edgeprops else: self.edgeprops = {"facecolor": "none", "alpha": 0.2} if node_label_color: self.node_label_color = self.node_colors else: self.node_label_color = ["black"] * len(self.nodes) # Compute each node's positions. self.compute_node_positions() # Conditionally compute node label positions. self.compute_node_label_positions() # set group properties self.group_label_position = group_label_position self.groups = [] if group_label_position: self.compute_group_label_positions() if group_label_color: self.compute_group_colors() else: self.group_label_color = ["black"] * len(self.nodes) # set text properties valid_fonts = ["serif", "sans-serif", "fantasy", "monospace"] if fontfamily not in valid_fonts: raise ValueError(f"fontfamily should be one of {valid_fonts}") self.fontfamily = fontfamily self.fontsize = fontsize
[docs] def check_data_types(self, data_types): """ Checks the data_types passed into the Plot constructor and makes sure that the values passed in belong to 'ordinal', 'categorical', or 'continuous'. :param data_types: A dictionary mapping of data types. :type data_types: `dict` """ for k, v in data_types.items(): assert v in ["ordinal", "categorical", "continuous"]
[docs] def draw(self): """ Draws the Plot to screen. If there is a continuous datatype for the nodes, it will be reflected in being constructed (in `compute_node_colors`). It will then automatically add in a colorbar to the plot and scale the plot axes accordingly. """ self.draw_nodes() self.draw_edges() # note that self.groups only exists on condition # that group_label_position was given! if hasattr(self, "groups") and self.groups: self.draw_group_labels() logging.debug("DRAW: {0}".format( if self.figure.subplots_adjust(right=0.8) cax = self.figure.add_axes([0.85, 0.2, 0.05, 0.6]) self.figure.colorbar(, cax=cax)"equal")
[docs] def compute_node_colors(self): """Compute the node colors. Also computes the colorbar.""" data = [self.graph.nodes[n][self.node_color] for n in self.nodes] if self.group_order == "alphabetically": data_reduced = sorted(list(set(data))) elif self.group_order == "default": data_reduced = list(unique_everseen(data)) dtype = infer_data_type(data) n_grps = num_discrete_groups(data) if dtype == "categorical" or dtype == "ordinal": if n_grps <= 8: cmap = get_cmap( cmaps["Accent_{0}".format(n_grps)].mpl_colormap ) else: cmap = n_group_colorpallet(n_grps) elif dtype == "continuous" and not is_data_diverging(data): cmap = get_cmap(cmaps["continuous"].mpl_colormap) elif dtype == "continuous" and is_data_diverging(data): cmap = get_cmap(cmaps["diverging"].mpl_colormap) for d in data: idx = data_reduced.index(d) / n_grps self.node_colors.append(cmap(idx)) # Add colorbar if required.ListedColormap logging.debug("length of data_reduced: {0}".format(len(data_reduced))) logging.debug("dtype: {0}".format(dtype)) if len(data_reduced) > 1 and dtype == "continuous": = cmap=cmap, norm=plt.Normalize( vmin=min(data_reduced), vmax=max(data_reduced), # noqa # noqa ), ) = []
[docs] def compute_group_colors(self): """Computes the group colors according to node colors""" seen = set() self.group_label_color = [ x for x in self.node_colors if not (x in seen or seen.add(x)) ]
[docs] def compute_edge_colors(self): """Compute the edge colors.""" data = [self.graph.edges[n][self.edge_color] for n in self.edges] data_reduced = sorted(list(set(data))) dtype = infer_data_type(data) n_grps = num_discrete_groups(data) if dtype == "categorical" or dtype == "ordinal": if n_grps <= 8: cmap = get_cmap( cmaps["Accent_{0}".format(n_grps)].mpl_colormap ) else: cmap = n_group_colorpallet(n_grps) elif dtype == "continuous" and not is_data_diverging(data): cmap = get_cmap(cmaps["weights"]) for d in data: idx = data_reduced.index(d) / n_grps self.edge_colors.append(cmap(idx)) # Add colorbar if required. logging.debug("length of data_reduced: {0}".format(len(data_reduced))) logging.debug("dtype: {0}".format(dtype)) if len(data_reduced) > 1 and dtype == "continuous": = cmap=cmap, norm=plt.Normalize( vmin=min(data_reduced), vmax=max(data_reduced), # noqa # noqa ), ) = []
[docs] def compute_node_sizes(self): """Compute the node sizes.""" if isinstance(self.node_size, str): nodes = self.graph.nodes self.node_sizes = [nodes[n][self.node_size] for n in self.nodes] else: self.node_sizes = self.node_size
[docs] def compute_edge_widths(self): """Compute the edge widths.""" if isinstance(self.edge_width, str): edges = self.graph.edges self.edge_widths = [edges[n][self.edge_width] for n in self.edges] else: self.edge_widths = self.edge_width
[docs] def compute_group_label_positions(self): """Computes the position of each group label according to the wanted position ("beginning", "middle", "end") Needs to be implemented for each plot type """ pass
[docs] def compute_node_positions(self): """ Computes the positions of each node on the plot. Needs to be implemented for each plot type. """ pass
[docs] def compute_node_label_positions(self): """ Computes the positions of each node's labels on the plot. The horizontal and vertical alignment of the text varies according to the location. Needs to be implemented for each plot type. """ pass
[docs] def draw_nodes(self): """ Renders the nodes to the plot or screen. Needs to be implemented for each plot type. """ pass
[docs] def draw_edges(self): """ Renders the nodes to the plot or screen. Needs to be implemented for each plot type. """ pass
[docs] def draw_group_labels(self): """ Renders the group labels to the plot or screen. Needs to be implemented for each plot type. """ pass
[docs] def group_and_sort_nodes(self): """ Groups and then sorts the nodes according to the criteria passed into the Plot constructor. """ if self.node_grouping and not self.node_order: if self.group_order == "alphabetically": self.nodes = [ n for n, d in sorted( self.graph.nodes(data=True), key=lambda x: x[1][self.node_grouping], ) ] elif self.group_order == "default": grp = [ d[self.node_grouping] for _, d in self.graph.nodes(data=True) ] grp_name = list(unique_everseen(grp)) nodes = [] for key in grp_name: nodes.extend( [ n for n, d in self.graph.nodes(data=True) if key in d.values() ] ) self.nodes = nodes elif self.node_order and not self.node_grouping: self.nodes = [ n for n, _ in sorted( self.graph.nodes(data=True), key=lambda x: x[1][self.node_order], ) ] elif self.node_grouping and self.node_order: if self.group_order == "alphabetically": self.nodes = [ n for n, d in sorted( self.graph.nodes(data=True), key=lambda x: ( x[1][self.node_grouping], x[1][self.node_order], ), ) ] elif self.group_order == "default": grp = [ d[self.node_grouping] for _, d in self.graph.nodes(data=True) ] grp_name = list(unique_everseen(grp)) nodes = [] for key in grp_name: nodes.extend( [ n for n, d in sorted( self.graph.nodes(data=True), key=lambda x: x[1][self.node_order], ) if key in d.values() ] ) self.nodes = nodes
[docs]class CircosPlot(BasePlot): """ Plotting object for CircosPlot. Accepts the following additional arguments apart from the ones in `BasePlot`: :param node_label_layout: which/whether (a) node layout is used, either 'rotation', 'numbers' or None :type node_label_layout: `string` :param group_label_offset: how much to offset the group labels, so that they are not overlapping with node labels. :type group_label_offset: `float` or `int` :param group_legend: Whether to include the legend of the group labels. :type group_legend: `bool` """ def __init__(self, graph, **kwargs): """Create the CircosPlot.""" # A CircosPlot only makes sense for at least 3 nodes assert len(graph.nodes) >= 3 # Node labels are specified in the node_label_layout argument specified_layout = kwargs.pop("node_label_layout", None) # Verify that the provided input is legitimate valid_node_label_layouts = (None, "rotation", "numbers") assert specified_layout in valid_node_label_layouts # Store the node label layout self.node_label_layout = specified_layout # Group labels' radius can be offset by a certain amount group_label_offset = kwargs.pop("group_label_offset", 0) assert group_label_offset >= 0 # Store the group label offset self.group_label_offset = group_label_offset # super(CircosPlot, self).__init__(graph, **kwargs) # Add legend to plot if "group_legend" in kwargs.keys(): if kwargs["group_legend"]: self.draw_legend()
[docs] def compute_group_label_positions(self): """ Computes the x,y positions of the group labels. """ assert self.group_label_position in ["beginning", "middle", "end"] data = [self.graph.nodes[n][self.node_grouping] for n in self.nodes] node_length = len(data) groups = items_in_groups(data) edge_of_plot = self.plot_radius + self.nodeprops["radius"] # The 1.02 serves as padding radius = 1.02 * edge_of_plot + self.group_label_offset xs = [] ys = [] has = [] vas = [] node_idcs = np.cumsum(list(groups.values())) node_idcs = np.insert(node_idcs, 0, 0) if self.group_label_position == "beginning": for idx in node_idcs[:-1]: x, y = get_cartesian( r=radius, theta=group_theta(node_length, idx) ) ha, va = text_alignment(x, y) xs.append(x) ys.append(y) has.append(ha) vas.append(va) elif self.group_label_position == "middle": node_idcs = node_idcs.reshape(len(node_idcs), 1) node_idcs = np.concatenate((node_idcs[:-1], node_idcs[1:]), axis=1) for idx in node_idcs: theta1 = group_theta(node_length, idx[0]) theta2 = group_theta(node_length, idx[1] - 1) x, y = get_cartesian(r=radius, theta=(theta1 + theta2) / 2) ha, va = text_alignment(x, y) xs.append(x) ys.append(y) has.append(ha) vas.append(va) elif self.group_label_position == "end": for idx in node_idcs[1::]: x, y = get_cartesian( r=radius, theta=group_theta(node_length, idx - 1) ) ha, va = text_alignment(x, y) xs.append(x) ys.append(y) has.append(ha) vas.append(va) self.group_label_coords = {"x": xs, "y": ys} self.group_label_aligns = {"has": has, "vas": vas} self.groups = groups.keys()
[docs] def compute_node_positions(self): """ Uses the get_cartesian function to compute the positions of each node in the Circos plot. """ xs = [] ys = [] node_r = self.nodeprops["radius"] radius = circos_radius(n_nodes=len(self.graph.nodes()), node_r=node_r) self.plot_radius = radius self.nodeprops["linewidth"] = radius * 0.01 for node in self.nodes: x, y = get_cartesian(r=radius, theta=node_theta(self.nodes, node)) xs.append(x) ys.append(y) self.node_coords = {"x": xs, "y": ys}
[docs] def compute_node_label_positions(self): """ Uses the get_cartesian function to compute the positions of each node label in the Circos plot. This method is always called after the compute_node_positions method, so that the plot_radius is pre-computed. This will also add a new attribute, `node_label_rotation` to the object which contains the rotation angles for each of the nodes. Together with the node coordinates this can be used to add additional annotations with rotated text. """ self.init_node_label_meta() for node in self.nodes: # Define radius 'radius' and circumference 'theta' theta = node_theta(self.nodes, node) # multiplication factor 1.02 moved below radius = self.plot_radius + self.nodeprops["radius"] # Coordinates of text inside nodes if self.node_label_layout == "numbers": radius_adjustment = self.plot_radius / radius else: radius_adjustment = 1.02 x, y = get_cartesian(r=radius * radius_adjustment, theta=theta) # ----- For numbered nodes ----- # Node label x-axis coordinate tx, _ = get_cartesian(r=radius, theta=theta) # Create the quasi-circular positioning on the x axis tx *= 1 - np.log(np.cos(theta) * self.nonzero_sign(np.cos(theta))) # Move each node a little further away from the circos tx += self.nonzero_sign(x) # Node label y-axis coordinate numerator numerator = radius * ( theta % (self.nonzero_sign(y) * self.nonzero_sign(x) * np.pi) ) # Node label y-axis coordinate denominator denominator = self.nonzero_sign(x) * np.pi # Node label y-axis coordinate ty = 2 * (numerator / denominator) # ----- For rotated nodes ----- # Computes the text rotation theta_deg = to_degrees(theta) if theta_deg >= -90 and theta_deg <= 90: # right side rot = theta_deg else: # left side rot = theta_deg - 180 # Store values self.store_node_label_meta(x, y, tx, ty, rot)
[docs] @staticmethod def nonzero_sign(xy): """ A sign function that won't return 0 """ return -1 if xy < 0 else 1
[docs] def init_node_label_meta(self): """ This function ensures that self.node_label_coords exist with the correct keys and empty entries This function should not be called by the user """ # Reset node label coorc/align dictionaries self.node_label_coords = {"x": [], "y": [], "tx": [], "ty": []} self.node_label_aligns = {"has": [], "vas": []} self.node_label_rotation = []
[docs] def store_node_label_meta(self, x, y, tx, ty, rot): """ This function stored coordinates-related metadate for a node This function should not be called by the user :param x: x location of node label or number :type x: np.float64 :param y: y location of node label or number :type y: np.float64 :param tx: text location x of node label (numbers) :type tx: np.float64 :param ty: text location y of node label (numbers) :type ty: np.float64 :param rot: rotation angle of the text (rotation) :type rot: float """ # Store computed values self.node_label_coords["x"].append(x) self.node_label_coords["y"].append(y) self.node_label_coords["tx"].append(tx) self.node_label_coords["ty"].append(ty) # Computes the text alignment for x if x == 0: self.node_label_aligns["has"].append("center") elif x > 0: self.node_label_aligns["has"].append("left") else: self.node_label_aligns["has"].append("right") # Computes the text alignment for y if self.node_label_layout == "rotation" or y == 0: self.node_label_aligns["vas"].append("center") elif y > 0: self.node_label_aligns["vas"].append("bottom") else: self.node_label_aligns["vas"].append("top") self.node_label_rotation.append(rot)
[docs] def draw_nodes(self): """ Renders nodes to the figure. """ node_r = self.nodeprops["radius"] lw = self.nodeprops["linewidth"] for i, node in enumerate(self.nodes): x = self.node_coords["x"][i] y = self.node_coords["y"][i] color = self.node_colors[i] node_patch = patches.Circle( (x, y), node_r, lw=lw, color=color, zorder=2 ) if self.node_labels: label_x = self.node_label_coords["x"][i] label_y = self.node_label_coords["y"][i] label_tx = self.node_label_coords["tx"][i] label_ty = self.node_label_coords["ty"][i] label_ha = self.node_label_aligns["has"][i] label_va = self.node_label_aligns["vas"][i] # ----- Node label rotation layout ----- if self.node_label_layout == "rotation": rot = self.node_label_rotation[i] s=node, x=label_x, y=label_y, ha=label_ha, va=label_va, rotation=rot, rotation_mode="anchor", color=self.node_label_color[i], fontsize=self.fontsize, family=self.fontfamily, ) # ----- Node label numbering layout ----- elif self.node_label_layout == "numbers": # Draw descriptions for labels desc = "%s - %s" % ((i, node) if (x > 0) else (node, i)) s=desc, x=label_tx, y=label_ty, ha=label_ha, va=label_va, color=self.node_label_color[i], fontsize=self.fontsize, family=self.fontfamily, ) # Add numbers to nodes s=i, x=label_x, y=label_y, ha="center", va="center" ) # Standard node label layout else: # Draw node text straight from the nodes s=node, x=label_x, y=label_y, ha=label_ha, va=label_va, color=self.node_label_color[i], fontsize=self.fontsize, family=self.fontfamily, )
[docs] def draw_edges(self): """ Renders edges to the figure. """ for i, (start, end) in enumerate(self.graph.edges()): start_theta = node_theta(self.nodes, start) end_theta = node_theta(self.nodes, end) verts = [ get_cartesian(self.plot_radius, start_theta), (0, 0), get_cartesian(self.plot_radius, end_theta), ] color = self.edge_colors[i] codes = [Path.MOVETO, Path.CURVE3, Path.CURVE3] lw = self.edge_widths[i] path = Path(verts, codes) patch = patches.PathPatch( path, lw=lw, edgecolor=color, zorder=1, **self.edgeprops )
[docs] def draw_group_labels(self): """ Renders group labels to the figure. """ for i, label in enumerate(self.groups): label_x = self.group_label_coords["x"][i] label_y = self.group_label_coords["y"][i] label_ha = self.group_label_aligns["has"][i] label_va = self.group_label_aligns["vas"][i] color = self.group_label_color[i] s=label, x=label_x, y=label_y, ha=label_ha, va=label_va, color=color, fontsize=self.fontsize, family=self.fontfamily, )
def draw_legend(self): # Get the label and color for each group seen = set() # Gets colors in RGBA colors_group = [ x for x in self.node_colors if not (x in seen or seen.add(x)) ] # Gets group labels labels_group = sorted( set([self.graph.nodes[n][self.node_color] for n in self.nodes]) ) # Create patchList to use as handle for plt.legend() patchlist = [] for color, label in zip(colors_group, labels_group): # Convert RGBA to HEX value color = to_hex(color, keep_alpha=True) data_key = patches.Patch(color=color, label=label) patchlist.append(data_key) # Set the labels with the custom patchList handles=patchlist, loc="lower center", # Half number of columns for total of labels for the # groups ncol=int(len(labels_group) / 2), bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.05), ) # Make legend handle accessible for manipulation outside of the plot self.legend_handles = patchlist
# class HivePlot(BasePlot): # """ # Plotting object for HivePlot. # """ # def __init__(self, graph, node_order=None, node_size=None, # node_grouping=None, node_color=None, edge_width=None, # edge_color=None, data_types=None): # # # Initialize using BasePlot # BasePlot.__init__(self, graph, node_order=node_order, # node_size=node_size, node_grouping=node_grouping, # node_color=node_color, edge_width=edge_width, # edge_color=edge_color, data_types=data_types) # # def set_xylims(self): # pass # # def set_nodes(self, nodes): # """ # Sets the nodes attribute. # # Checks that `nodes` is a dictionary where the key is the group ID and # the value is a list of nodes that belong in that group. # """ # assert isinstance(nodes, dict), 'nodes must be a dictionary' # for k, v in nodes.items(): # assert isinstance(v, list) or isinstance(v, tuple),\ # 'each value in the dictionary must be a list or tuple' # assert len(nodes.keys()) in [2, 3], 'there can only be 2 or 3 groups' # # self.nodes = nodes # # def set_major_angle(self): # """ # Sets the major angle between the plot groups, in radians. # """ # self.major_angle = 2 * np.pi / len(self.nodes.keys()) # # def set_minor_angle(self): # """ # Sets the minor angle between the plot groups, in radians. # """ # self.minor_angle = 2 * np.pi / 12 # # def set_nodecolors(self, nodecolors): # """ # Sets the nodecolors. # # `nodecolors` can be specified as either a single string, or as a # dictionary of group_identifier:strings. # # Performs type checking to ensure that nodecolors is specified as a # dictionary where the keys must match up with the .nodes attribute. # # Otherwise # """ # assert isinstance(nodecolors, dict) or isinstance(nodecolors, str) # if isinstance(nodecolors, dict): # assert set(nodecolors.keys()) == set(self.nodes.keys()) # self.nodecolors = nodecolors # elif isinstance(nodecolors, str): # self.nodecolors = dict() # for k in self.nodes.keys(): # self.nodecolors[k] = nodecolors # # def has_edge_within_group(self, group): # """ # Checks whether there are within-group edges or not. # """ # assert group in self.nodes.keys(),\ # "{0} not one of the group of nodes".format(group) # nodelist = self.nodes[group] # for n1, n2 in self.edges: # if n1 in nodelist and n2 in nodelist: # return True # # def compute_node_positions(self): # """ # Computes the positions of each node on the plot. # # Sets the node_coords attribute inherited from BasePlot. # """ # xs = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) # ys = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) # for g, (grp, nodes) in enumerate(self.nodes.items()): # if self.has_edge_within_group(grp): # for r, node in enumerate(nodes): # theta = g * self.major_angle - self.minor_angle # x, y = get_cartesian(r+2, theta) # xs[grp]['minus'].append(x) # ys[grp]['minus'].append(y) # # theta = g * self.major_angle + self.minor_angle # x, y = get_cartesian(r+2, theta) # xs[grp]['plus'].append(x) # ys[grp]['plus'].append(y) # else: # for r, node in enumerate(nodes): # theta = g * self.major_angle # x, y = get_cartesian(r+2, theta) # xs[grp]['axis'].append(x) # ys[grp]['axis'].append(y) # self.node_coords = dict(x=xs, y=ys) # # def draw_nodes(self): # """ # Renders nodes to the figure. # """ # for grp, nodes in self.nodes.items(): # for r, n in enumerate(nodes): # if self.has_edge_within_group(grp): # x = self.node_coords['x'][grp]['minus'][r] # y = self.node_coords['y'][grp]['minus'][r] # self.draw_node(grp, x, y) # # x = self.node_coords['x'][grp]['plus'][r] # y = self.node_coords['y'][grp]['plus'][r] # self.draw_node(grp, x, y) # # else: # x = self.node_coords['x'][grp]['axis'][r] # y = self.node_coords['y'][grp]['axis'][r] # self.draw_node(grp, x, y) # # def draw_node(self, group, x, y): # """ # Convenience function for simplifying the code in draw_nodes(). # """ # circle = plt.Circle(xy=(x, y), radius=self.nodeprops['r'], # color=self.nodecolors[group], linewidth=0) # # # def draw_edges(self): # """ # Renders the edges to the figure. # """ # pass # # def draw_edge(self, n1, n2): # """ # # """ # pass
[docs]class MatrixPlot(BasePlot): """ Plotting object for the MatrixPlot. """ def __init__( self, graph, node_order=None, node_size=None, node_grouping=None, node_color=None, edge_width=None, edge_color=None, data_types=None, nodeprops=None, edgeprops=None, ): # Initialize using BasePlot BasePlot.__init__( self, graph, node_order=node_order, node_size=node_size, node_grouping=node_grouping, node_color=node_color, edge_width=edge_width, edge_color=edge_color, data_types=data_types, nodeprops=nodeprops, edgeprops=edgeprops, ) # The following atribute is specific to MatrixPlots self.cmap = cmaps["continuous"].mpl_colormap
[docs] def draw(self): """ Draws the plot to screen. Note to self: Do NOT call super(MatrixPlot, self).draw(); the underlying logic for drawing here is completely different from other plots, and as such necessitates a different implementation. """ matrix = nx.to_numpy_matrix(self.graph, nodelist=self.nodes), cmap=self.cmap)
[docs]class ArcPlot(BasePlot): """ Plotting object for ArcPlot. """
[docs] def compute_node_positions(self): """ Computes nodes positions. Arranges nodes in a line starting at (x,y) = (0,0). Node radius is assumed to be equal to 0.5 units. Nodes are placed at integer locations. """ xs = [0] * len(self.nodes) ys = [max(self.node_sizes)] * len(self.nodes) for i, _ in enumerate(self.nodes[1:], start=1): prev_r = self.node_sizes[i - 1] / 2 curr_r = self.node_sizes[i] / 2 xs[i] = xs[i - 1] + prev_r + curr_r self.node_coords = {"x": xs, "y": ys}
[docs] def draw_nodes(self): """ Draw nodes to screen. """ node_r = self.node_sizes for i, node in enumerate(self.nodes): x = self.node_coords["x"][i] y = self.node_coords["y"][i] color = self.node_colors[i] node_patch = patches.Ellipse( (x, y), node_r[i], node_r[i], lw=0, color=color, zorder=2 )
[docs] def draw_edges(self): """ Renders edges to the figure. """ for i, (start, end) in enumerate(self.graph.edges()): start_idx = self.nodes.index(start) start_x = self.node_coords["x"][start_idx] start_y = self.node_coords["y"][start_idx] end_idx = self.nodes.index(end) end_x = self.node_coords["x"][end_idx] end_y = self.node_coords["y"][end_idx] arc_radius = abs(end_x - start_x) / 2 # we do min(start_x, end_x) just in case start_x is greater than # end_x. middle_x = min(start_x, end_x) + arc_radius middle_y = arc_radius * 2 verts = [(start_x, start_y), (middle_x, middle_y), (end_x, end_y)] color = self.edge_colors[i] codes = [Path.MOVETO, Path.CURVE3, Path.CURVE3] lw = self.edge_widths[i] path = Path(verts, codes) patch = patches.PathPatch( path, lw=lw, edgecolor=color, zorder=1, **self.edgeprops )
[docs] def draw(self): super(ArcPlot, self).draw() left_limit = self.node_sizes[0] right_limit = sum(r for r in self.node_sizes) xlimits = (-left_limit, right_limit + 1)*xlimits)*xlimits)
[docs]class GeoPlot(BasePlot): """ Plotting object for GeoPlot. User only has to specify the keyword arguments that specify the longitude and latittude of a node. """ def __init__( self, graph, node_lat: str, node_lon: str, backend: str = "matplotlib", **kwargs, ): """ Create the GeoPlot. :param graph: The graph object. :param node_lat: Node attribute that describes latitutde. :param node_lon: Node attribute that describes longitude. :param backend: Which backend to use - either `matplotlib` or `altair`. """ self.graph = graph self.node_lat = node_lat self.node_lon = node_lon # Set backend: matplotlib or altair assert backend in ["matplotlib", "altair"] self.backend = backend # If the user chooses the altair backend, then we have to convert the # graph data back into a nodelist and edgelist dataframes. if self.backend == "altair": self.node_df = to_pandas_nodes(self.graph) self.edge_df = to_pandas_edges( self.graph, x_kw=self.node_lon, y_kw=self.node_lat ) super(GeoPlot, self).__init__(graph, **kwargs)
[docs] def compute_node_positions(self): """ Extracts the node positions based on the specified longitude and latitude keyword arguments. """ xs = [] ys = [] self.locs = dict() for node in self.nodes: x = self.graph.nodes[node][self.node_lon] y = self.graph.nodes[node][self.node_lat] xs.append(x) ys.append(y) self.locs[node] = (x, y) self.node_coords = {"x": xs, "y": ys}
[docs] def draw_nodes(self): """ Draws nodes to the screen. GeoPlot is the first plot kind to support an Altair backend in addition to the usual matplotlib backend. """ if self.backend == "matplotlib": node_r = 0.005 # temporarily hardcoded. for i, node in enumerate(self.nodes): x = self.node_coords["x"][i] y = self.node_coords["y"][i] color = self.node_colors[i] node_patch = patches.Ellipse( (x, y), node_r, node_r, lw=0, color=color, zorder=2 ) elif self.backend == "altair": self.node_chart = ( alt.Chart(self.node_df) .mark_point() .encode( alt.X(f"{self.node_lon}:Q", scale=alt.Scale(zero=False)), alt.Y(f"{self.node_lat}:Q", scale=alt.Scale(zero=False)), ) )
[docs] def draw_edges(self): """ Draws edges to screen. """ if self.backend == "matplotlib": for i, (n1, n2) in enumerate(self.edges): x1, y1 = self.locs[n1] x2, y2 = self.locs[n2] color = self.edge_colors[i] line = Line2D( xdata=[x1, x2], ydata=[y1, y2], color=color, zorder=0, alpha=0.3, ) elif self.backend == "altair": marker_attrs = dict() marker_attrs["color"] = "black" # MAGICNUMBER marker_attrs["strokeWidth"] = 1 # MAGICNUMBER self.edge_chart = ( alt.Chart(self.edge_df) .mark_line(**marker_attrs) .encode( alt.X(f"{self.node_lon}:Q"), alt.Y(f"{self.node_lat}:Q"), detail="edge", ) )
[docs] def draw(self): if self.backend == "matplotlib": super(GeoPlot, self).draw() elif self.backend == "altair": warn("altair backend still in development, please use matplotlib.")
# self.draw_nodes() # self.draw_edges() # self.viz = self.edge_chart + self.node_chart # return self.viz.interactive()